Doom Iii Stutter (2025)

1. Doom 3 Performance & Quality Issues - VOGONS

  • Meer resultaten van

  • Posted on 2022-08-08, 23:17

2. Stuttering in all DOOM source ports tested - Doomworld

  • 27 okt 2023 · 3. If v-sync is turned on and fps is below max. refresh rate, camera movement is choppy no matter the input method. Now this is usually ...

  • Hi all, Im experiencing a very strange issue that I did not have on my old PC. Ive just updated to a 4090 and an i7 13700KF on windows 11. On my current rig, I get very inconsistent frame times in DSDA, Eternity Engine and GZDOOM. My current settings are as follows: - v-sync on in NVCP - cap fram...

3. Issues with DOOM 3 - id Tech Forums

  • 1 mrt 2015 · The game stutters like crazy regardless of hardware vendors, unless a certain fix is used (getting to that) · Using com_fixedtic "1" helps to ...

  • Issues with DOOM 3

4. i have fixed the stuttering issue - Doom 3 - Doomworld

  • 7 aug 2004 · now when you say the shuttering issue you mean the constant flashing of the screen while playing? 0 ...

  • Thank god this shit is fixed now and I can enjoy doom3 and you guys will be able to. Here is what you need to do double click my computer then right click on the harddrive click properties and then click policies and uncheck enable write to caching on the disk and hit apply and reboot computer. t...

5. Doom 3 Stuttering? | AnandTech Forums

  • 7 okt 2005 · Try this: At the console (press Ctrl + Alt + ~)try setting "com_fixedtic -1". Be sure vsync is still enabled. What this does is remove the ...

  • I posted this earlier in troubleshooting, and was told this might be a better place to post my question. Hey guys, I recently downloaded the Doom 3 demo, and tweaked it a bit, so that i'm playing at 1680x1050 widescreen. The game looks fantastic, but I noticed that there seems to be some...

6. Stuttering problems in Doom 3 based games - A cesspit.

7. Doom 3 choppy on good hardware [Archive] - Ubuntu Forums

  • 29 okt 2009 · This is because the surround channels are wrong in Doom - see the links in my post above, and use ~/.asoundrc to fix it. ... What? It's s_alsa_pcm ...

  • I installed Doom 3 from the Windows CDs using from ID's website. The game will run, but it's choppy, even on low video settings. I set the audio to use OSS, and that helped a little, but it's still intolerable. Can someone suggest something to improve the FPS? This is a bit silly, considering that I'm using an e7500 2.92GHz Core2 Duo with a 9600GT and 4GBs of DDR2. I also using Karmic with the proprietary nVidia drivers.

8. Radeon RX 6600 BF 5/Doom 2016 stutters/freesync - AMD Community

  • 24 aug 2022 · ... 3-stutter-rtx-2060.258826/. Links if you don't believe that it also happens on Nvidia. Knowing CDPR, they could've just as easily broken the ...

  • I have system what I need to diagnose the system Radeon Gigabyte RX 6600 Ryzen 5 3600 - boost off B450 ASrock gaming K4 - latest bios DDR4 2666 8x2 Prefetcher L1/2 - on 4G decoding + SAM - disabled/ enabled Windows 10 2021 21h2 driver 22.5.1/22.4.2/21.10.2 -all defaults, just ULPS -off chipset drive...

Radeon RX 6600 BF 5/Doom 2016 stutters/freesync - AMD Community

9. Lots of interrupts and stutter in 3d aplications - Manjaro Linux Forum

  • 23 dec 2024 · Everything is upto date. I have doom 3 running on vulken and elder scrolls online also running well. But other games do the same thing after ...

  • Hi, Can someone with more experience help point me in the right direction. I have managed to get everything running really well with steam and a number of games. But after about 1 hour of a game being open I start to get game break stutter. I posted here because I believe this problem to be system as my games are running amazingly. Thanks to the help of chatgpt, But I feel like I have hit a brick wall. I think I have found the problem but unsure on how to fix it. Here is a screen shot of what ...

Lots of interrupts and stutter in 3d aplications - Manjaro Linux Forum

10. Doom 3 and Micro-Lags - The Dark Mod Forums

  • 12 dec 2010 · Enable triple buffering and vertical synchronization in your driver settings! For the tired and/or lazy, how do we find those settings?

  • When playing TDM, even at constant 60 fps, the game always somehow didn't run smoothly for me. There were small Micro-Lags, that made it all look more like 20 fps instead of 60. Today I incidentally stumbled over a solution to the problem, that worked out so great, that I thought I'd share it wit...

11. Strix 3090 OC - Micro stutter in all benchmarks an... - ROG Forum

  • The only game in which it is less frequent is DOOM Eternal. They are annoying micro stutters that prevent me from playing on a 2000 Euro card! When this happens ...

  • Hi everyone i have big problems with my new strix 3090 oc. My configuration is: I9 10900K set in stock Maximus XII Extreme Custom Loop EK cpu only 32 Gb Ram Gskill Trident Z ROG Strix 3090 OC Case Obsidian 1000D ROG Swift 25 "240hz Gsync monitor since I mounted the new card I always have micro stut...

Strix 3090 OC - Micro stutter in all benchmarks an... - ROG Forum

12. Mouse Problems in Doom 3 - Ars Technica

  • 8 nov 2010 · I've never had that problem, though I have seen bad input lag on ATi hardware with that game. Turn of vsync if you haven't already done so, and ...

  • I have noticed that mouse has trouble moving in Doom 3. Basically I almost have to yank it a bit to get the cursor or the targeting crosshair to move anywhere. The mouse smoothing setting has no effect, windowed vs. fullscreen has no effect, and finally there is no m_accel setting like in Quake...

13. Graphic Cards - Doom 3 stutters at high settings on 6800 nu

  • 5 sep 2005 · Folks, Doom 3 stutters badly on my rig at high details settings.... ... I tweaked the config file in \doom\base to increase the image and tetxures ...

  • Folks, Doom 3 stutters badly on my rig at high details settings.... at medium settings (1024x768) i get ~60 fps with smooth gameplay....However, on high details, even at 800x600, there are long pauses in the game while oprning doors, or entering large areas....though the FPS ~40 when the game...

14. dhewm3 - Doom3 Source Port

  • See the How to Install section for more information. # News. # 2024-08-03: dhewm3 1.5.4. Twenty years ago to the day, Doom 3 was released!

  • Project Page of the dhewm3 Source Port of Doom3

dhewm3 - Doom3 Source Port

15. My games stutter w/ mouse lag (13900k/4090/3080) - Need Help

  • 18 aug 2023 · I have no issues in other games and I am 1000% sure the game was ok before the update. Another thing that seems interestiny is that the issue is ...

  • I find it interesting that this issue 'suddenly' started happening for you. Yeah, could be an update or perhaps some change you made or 3rd party app you installed, perhaps even a faulty driver installed in the background, who knows. Your memory could have have been on the edge of stability...

My games stutter w/ mouse lag (13900k/4090/3080) - Need Help

16. Stutter when moving mouse ingame - Linux Mint Forums

  • 7 jul 2019 · Hi. I'm using steamplay with proton to test out a few games particularly old ones. I've played Hitman, Doom 3 and Fallout New Vegas without ...

  • Hi. I'm using steamplay with proton to test out a few games particularly old ones. I've played Hitman, Doom 3 and Fallout New Vegas without much problems. But some games just stutter heavily as soon as I move my mouse (Max Payne, all GTA's, S.T.A.L.K.E.R ....)

17. G-Sync/High Refresh Rate Issues with OpenGL Games

  • 14 okt 2014 · The micro-stutter in Doom 3 was there for me ever since the first time I played it. Back then with an ATI Radeon 9800Pro. It's the game's fault, ...

  • Post Reply

18. Camera Stutter Master Thread - Share your info - Cyberpunk | Forums

  • 20 mei 2015 · Witcher 2 PC was fine when I got round to it. Doom 3 had a gametic stutter twice a second. PC Skyrim had a similar hiccough not performance ...

  • well that weird because i have a cheap 60hz tv and console games play at 30 and many of them are smooth as silk and im very sensitive to any stutter, this is the only one with this problem 30 fps is smooth at 60Hz because each frame is displayed for 2 cycles. It wouldn't be smooth at a refresh...

Camera Stutter Master Thread - Share your info - Cyberpunk | Forums

19. Rift-S framedrops/stutter/micro-stutter in all UE4 content

  • 16 mei 2022 · ... Doom VFR, Doom 3 BFG VR Mod (newer build from 2021), The Serious Sam VR ports and more very well, as expected from my hardware. All my UE4 ...

  • Hi, I've been through Oculus Support with this and they replaced the HMD.  However, the problem exists on the replacement, so I guess the one I sent back was in a working state.    In every Unreal Engine 4 game or content I am having very poor performance that shouldn't happen on my hardware.  I hav...

Rift-S framedrops/stutter/micro-stutter in all UE4 content

20. Oblivion / Quake 4 / Doom 3 - Frame skipping | Overclockers UK Forums

  • 13 okt 2006 · In Quake 4 (or Doom 3) open the console and enter com_precisetic 0 and set the refreshrate to 60Hz/v-sync on. I had the exact same rhythmical ...

  • Thats not the kind of stutter i'm talking about. I have almost no "loading textures" stutter at all. The stutter i'm talking about is there all the time.. Like frame skiping. Just take a look at my videos. - punk Games like Oblivion and Far Cry are notorious to have problems with...

Doom Iii Stutter (2025)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.